Saturday, April 19, 2008

Believe it or not....

So...for all you faithful/not-so-faithful/nonexistant readers out there; believe it or not, I haven't forgotten about this project! I just happen to be in school, a noble, but time-consuming pursuit, which also happens to be the most important thing I'm doing right now. Fear not, when school (and a few other things...) are over, it is my desire to faithfully finish chapter nine and post it for your enjoyment (yes, it's partly/most of the way done). Please don't give up on us. Not yet, anyway. I promise we will eventually return, faithful ones.

Yours, extremely cordially,



Rach said...

totally understand... i don't have time to write either, much less post my stuff on a blog. Can't wait for summer to come, tho! =)

Amber said...

It's about time hun!!! ... tum tee tum ...

But I do understand how you feel ... (I took how many months posting mine??)

Lizzy said...

Um yeah. You took a lot. So I don't mind taking a lot either. But school is almost over!! :D

Amber said...

Can't make any excuses after school's out!

Lizzy said...

Haha...nope! That's why I sent it to you last night, before you could jump on me! Faithful readers, the chapter is on it's way, after a few more edits!

Shae said...

hahaha girls! I can't believe you! I must admit that amidst an insane schedule of one out of 8 subjects taking 20 hours a week, I managed to get my chapters in within the week assigned to me! this is pretty sorry, ladies, no denying it. =)